Agricultural News

Brock Grain Bins

Brock Grain Bins

  Agriculture in Northern Indiana (Brock Grain Bins) Agriculture is still the backbone of Midwest America and an intricate dance between nature conservation, profit, and technology. Chester Ag Systems has over 75 years of helping farmers achieve growth through...
Grain Drying Maintenance

Grain Drying Maintenance

  Grain Drying: Essential Cleaning, Storing, and Maintenance Practices Farmers recognize grain drying as a critical post-harvest step. Reducing grain moisture to ideal levels prevents spoilage and infestation, thus securing grain quality and quantity. It must be...
Valley Irrigation Pivots

Valley Irrigation Pivots

  Revolutionizing Northern Indiana Agriculture: Valley Irrigation Pivots and Chester Inc. Agriculture Systems. Chester Inc. Agricultural Systems has always strived to bring revolutionary technological solutions to the farmers of Northern Indiana, facilitating...
Striving for the Summit on Grain Storage Innovation

Choosing The Right Grain Drying System

  Types of Grain Drying Systems The most common grain dryer system is column (tower) dryers, mixed airflow, and continuous flow (Auger). Each grain drying system has advantages and disadvantages.   Grain Dryers Several grain dryers use various methods of...